Has it really been six months since we had our little girl? It's crazy how fast the time flies. She is so much fun. Here are a few things that she's been up to:
- She has been eating rice cereal and oatmeal and a few of the first foods for about a month. Her favorites are green beans, peas, carrots, and apple sauce. The first time I gave her banana she spit it right back out while making a funny face!
- She is a great little roller. Lately as soon as I put her down she goes right on her stomach.
- She LOVES to be held. She cries when I put her down or in her exer-saucer. I am a big softy and give in all the time...we are gonna have a spoiled little girl.
- She is a terrible sleeper. Every once in a while we will have a good night but usually it's up every two to three hours. During the day she will take naps but only for about 30 min. at a time.
- She always wakes up happy (at least during the day!) One of my favorite things to do is to go and get her when she is awake because she always has a huge smile for me.
- Her favorite toys are not toys. She always wants to get the pine cones on our table, the computer keys, my cell phone, and she loves the ice cream scoop (I don't blame her for that one.)
- She sits up really straight and can keep it for a few seconds by herself before she tips over
- Her first tooth is coming in! You can see it in the last couple of pictures on the bottom.
- Last but not least, she is the best baby ever! We are so lucky to have our sweet little Abby girl!
She looks just like her dad! Time really does go by quickly- soon she'll be walking, and talking...
She has pretty eyes. Yes, it is crazy how time goes too fast! It's funny too how babies develop differently. Kevin hardly ever rolls over but he will sit and play forever. And no sign of teeth yet. I can't wait to meet Abby. BB
She is a beauty! And certainly the pride of her Grandma's heart - shared with Sarah, of course!
Aby is getting beautiful avery day!!! sure she is a happy baby, and you are a great mom hope see you soon!!!!
I love the pictures of her, they are so cute! She is getting so big and so much fun!
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